Monday, May 30, 2011

Fictioonn Fictiiiiooonn!

B2st has released a new music video called "Fiction!" The title song of their new album Fiction and Fact.

Watch MV via Youtube

Personally, I really liked this video! And yes, everyone knows that this video features the loudest pen in the world. B2st should be proud. Even though, the video is a liittllee weird. Well, I guess not weird, It's just.. I don't know, different? I mean.. I don't know if anyone caught this, but I definitely saw that random space ship thing(?) while they were dancing. (Yeah, definitely got a picture of it.) Aaalrighty B2st, whatever floats your boat. I DO happen to love the dance, it's seems so... stylish! Hands in the pocket, looking awesome. The song is so flowy, and it goes perfectly witht he dance. KUDOS to the choreographer!

I love it! What do you think? Sincerely, LotsAkpop!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Hello Hello!

FT Island releases a new MV for "Hello Hello"!

Watch MV via youtube

Even though I don't necessarily understand the music video, I really like the song.. especially the bridge! "Everybody say la la la, everybody say ha ha ha" - so so catchy! And I have to say omg.. for Lee Hong Ki in black hair. Phew.... Man o man. AND, at the end, while he's listening to his music and he is like singing and smiling.. "............" Had to replay a few times. Everyone actually looks good in this MV!

Phew. What do you think?
Sincerely, LotsAkpop!

Monday, May 16, 2011

L. O. V. E. Girl!

Here I bring to you! "Love Girl" by CNblue! Love Girl ranked #5 on the Weekly Kpop Music Chart 2011 for May Week 2!

Watch MV via Youtube

I must say! I absolutely love love this video. CNblue actually had me laughing OUT LOUD (lol) while watching this. Which was definitely.. definitely.. embarrassing. (easily entertained.) There was just so many silly things about this video! You really can't name them all! I'd just like to say that if you are ever playing Hide and Go Seek with CNblue, your cheating by just playing with them. They have the worse hiding spots ever! I mean.. who wouldn't think to look behind the random shirt that is.. hanging from.. nowhere?? Hm.. I guess it was nothing! Not to mention I loved the song, it was fun and upbeat to add to the fun MV!

What do you think? Sincerely, LotsAkpop!
Dowloading this? Pff... YES.


Here is After School's new MV "Shampoo"! It has made it at #7 on the Weekly Kpop Music Chart for May Week 2!

Watch here: MV via Youtube

I really loved the concept of this video! Newcomer fighting to be accepted? It's so universal and real! I can definitely dig it! It was so sweet! In the beginning, I think it's funny that they all look at the camera like "Oh, that's right we're after school. What." I love that they base this music video off introducing their new member E-young to the group! (I also love Nana at 3:46 who couldn't care less about the newcomer.) But I'm not really understanding this whole crush thing with the choreographer?

What do you think? Sincerely, LotsAkpop!


This is the new MV "Cold" by Aziatix!

Don't be as surprised as me when you find out this whole song is in English. I was so confused and I wasn't even understanding my own language at first, trying to figure out what they were saying in Korean! It made me laugh! Their pronunciation seems to be better than me! And you can't get enough of their smooth voices. Very nice flow. The funny thing that I came across while watching was how the dancers in the back are super serious and the singers are like, totally oblivious to their presence! Well... it seemed that way to me...

What do you think? Sincerely, LotsAkpop!

Lol, I gotta replay that!

So! Time to see what SHinee is up to! OH! THAT'S what they're doing? Making a Japanese single to Replay? Would ya look at that!

Wow, I'm so so so so surprised to see this! I'm not sure why.. but it hit me like bricks. Taemin.... Taemin...... your hair just made me giggle a bit. I love how they tried to like.. make their outfits "japanese-ish" (or.. is that just SHinee's rainbow wardrobe stylist?? Probably.) I'm not sure if I like the flow of this though.
I just thought everyone may be wondering what SHinee was up to! Pleasing their japanese crowd, that's what.

How do you like it? Sincerely, LotsAkpop!

Play your Love!

Here is After School's new video, Play your Lovee!

The first thing I'd like to say.. I feel like this is a bad translation: Play your Love? Is that really the name?? I couldn't actually find it in Korean anywhere, so I can't tell (of course, I didn't actually look that long >:]) But overall, I think it is a very pretty video, and if I'm not mistaken, Platinum blonde hair is After School's 9th member, E-young? Wow, she really seems to have a nice voice! Oh and.. I had a little laugh when it seemed like Kahi didn't really want to sing that line at 0:31! But overall, very relaxing. Would I add it to my mp3? mmm.. maybe not. But I DO love the guitar in the beginning! Nice new twist!

What do you think? Sincerely, LotsAkpop!


So I just watched this new video, of Super Junior's Leeteuk and Joo called Icecream. And omg.. Let's take a look.

I couldn't possibly do anything but laugh while I watched this. It's like the cutest thing ever.. which I don't really know if I'm saying that as a great thing concerning this video. I LOVE cute stuff, and I couldn't get enough of the cuteness in this video (literally). I mean.. We're hoping around, singing while using fake ice creams as mics and dancing with cute little bear monkey things. It was SO CUTE! Until about 1 min. Then it was sort of like "...." is that all we're going to do? "..sad face...." It got to the point where, I just didn't really pay much attention to the song (which while I was, I didn't particularly care for) and I just stared at.. well.. to be honest... Leeteuk....
I'm really thinking this video is about just.. well... a lot of icecream..

Anyone agree? :] Sincerely, LotsAkpop!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Hello "Cold" MV Teaser!

So I see a new MV teaser released. This time is it "Cold" by Aziatix!

I gotta say... I'm a little confused? Is this Kpop? I didn't catch not one lick of Korean. Or maybe the song is in English? I don't know, but... We'll just have to wait and see! Atleast the English sounded awesome! Anyway, regarding the video. The song sounds very smooth, and I love the dark, smooth video to go along with it so far!

This better be good!! What do you think? Sincerely, LotsAkpop!