Monday, May 16, 2011

L. O. V. E. Girl!

Here I bring to you! "Love Girl" by CNblue! Love Girl ranked #5 on the Weekly Kpop Music Chart 2011 for May Week 2!

Watch MV via Youtube

I must say! I absolutely love love this video. CNblue actually had me laughing OUT LOUD (lol) while watching this. Which was definitely.. definitely.. embarrassing. (easily entertained.) There was just so many silly things about this video! You really can't name them all! I'd just like to say that if you are ever playing Hide and Go Seek with CNblue, your cheating by just playing with them. They have the worse hiding spots ever! I mean.. who wouldn't think to look behind the random shirt that is.. hanging from.. nowhere?? Hm.. I guess it was nothing! Not to mention I loved the song, it was fun and upbeat to add to the fun MV!

What do you think? Sincerely, LotsAkpop!
Dowloading this? Pff... YES.

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