Monday, May 16, 2011

Lol, I gotta replay that!

So! Time to see what SHinee is up to! OH! THAT'S what they're doing? Making a Japanese single to Replay? Would ya look at that!

Wow, I'm so so so so surprised to see this! I'm not sure why.. but it hit me like bricks. Taemin.... Taemin...... your hair just made me giggle a bit. I love how they tried to like.. make their outfits "japanese-ish" (or.. is that just SHinee's rainbow wardrobe stylist?? Probably.) I'm not sure if I like the flow of this though.
I just thought everyone may be wondering what SHinee was up to! Pleasing their japanese crowd, that's what.

How do you like it? Sincerely, LotsAkpop!

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