Sunday, August 28, 2011

Hearstrings Drama Review~ 넌 내게 반했어

First, I'd like to say. That I was extremely excited to see Yonghwa (용화) and Park Shin Hye (박신혜) together in a drama once again! I was so in love with "You're Beautiful" when I watched it a few months ago, and I'm not going to lie.. I almost wanted to see 용화 end up with 박신혜 instead of 장근석 throughout the drama. (but of course, at the end, I was very satisfied with the outcome. 장근석 is oh so attractive.) So I was super excited when I found out that they'd be starring in another drama, and I won't feel so bad for 용화!

So after watching the first episode, I was so hooked! At the end of episode one, my expression was "OH! it's about to get serious!! I MUST watch episode 2! ..wait I have things to do... Whatever. *clicks episode 2*." And once I started, there was no stopping me.

용화 and 박신혜's chemistry was simply to die for. There was nothing that you could do but envy 박신혜's character, 이규원(Lee Gyu Won) for even being around this horrible, treacherous, mean character 이신 (Lee Shin). But even though he was terrible, this drama does an awesome job with keeping you hooked to his character while showing his gentle side towards his mother and sister. It instantly made you wanting to be on his side, with his fellow band members.

Speaking of band members.. we all know how adorable the drummer of CNblue 강민혁(Kang Min Hyeok) was. His character, 여준히 (Yeo Joon Hee), was so cute, and not only his looks. He had such an adorable personality that brought out a light touch to the drama, and another relationship to look forward to!

Even though Heartstrings had some pretty devastating story lines to it, that could have made for a very depressing dragged out drama, they did a very good job of portraying every problem lightly and not making it too deep or too boring. And the funny parts of this drama, were actually funny and very light-hearted! Everyone's story line had meaning to it, and you feel emotions for everyone's plot because they are all very well planned and attention getting. Even the antagonists' story is a heartfelt one.

Just to add the cherry on top, this drama has one of the best soundtracks, and I've downloaded so many songs from this drama! I can't get enough of the music that was played in this drama, I truly appreciated it.

All in all, I give this drama a 5 out of 5! This drama was really highly anticipated by everyone, and certainly doesn't disappoint!
Sincerely, LotsAkpop!

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