Tuesday, August 30, 2011

In the process of Greatest Love! (spoilers)

So, I've started watching Greatest Love (최고의 사랑), and I am pleasantly surprised at how much I actually like it! I knew that the concept sounded good, like the whole behind the scenes of the Korean celebrity pop star life. In the beginning, I wasn't actually looking for toward the male lead (차승원) because personally.. I am a teen, and I wasn't digging the look (or age, sorry!), let alone his voice (no offense). Besides, I'd never seen him act, so I didn't realize how good he was. WHICH HE IS. I was pleasantly surprised by the serious comedy that he was able to produce. His voice turned into something that actually added to the comedy of this drama. So far I am totally into the storyline. I'm always a sap for old happy memories and when I watched the scene, right before they debuted, back stage, and how happy they all were together.. It was really nice. It allows for the audience to sympathize a lot more with the female lead (공효진).

I did get a few laughs though, at this drama concerning the typical things that always happen in Kdramas.. For example, all the speeding and cutting off each other and going crazy in their cars, because everyone knows that there are no highway patrol, or any cops in Kdramas! And how we are all so totally over Dokko Jin, and are probably all rooting for sweet, smart Yoon Pil Joo. Of course.

BUT! I did totally appreciate that when he confessed to her, she didn't completely go all googly eyed and fall for him right now. Thaaannkkk Yoouuu! So far, I've had a ton of genuine laughs, and I definitely recommend it! Episode 5, here I come!
Sincerely, LotsAkpop

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