Wednesday, August 31, 2011

U-kiss's Neverland Review~

 Sigh.. Poor U-kiss.

If you haven't seen this video yet, tada!: MV click.

I don't know what it is, maybe it is just U-kiss's style that I haven't noticed when I used to listen to 만만하니 or 뭐라고.. but I am just not really digging anything new that they are doing. I won't say that it is because Alexander or Kibum left or anything, but I do feel like after they left, the songs that they produce are just not that great! It saddens me because I like U-kiss, and I used to really enjoy their songs.. but nowadays I just can't get into them.

I do appreciate the beat of the song; I love the background music! The dance is a little.. I don't know, not catchy? There is just nothing grabbing my attention in the entire song, not even the MV really grabs my attention. The one thing that I can honestly say that I liked in the MV... was the end. No, I'm not trying to be smart. I literally mean the dancing at the end and the one in-sync move that they did when the music stops - was pretty legit. That's about it though. Sorry U-kiss!
Sincerely, LotsAkpop

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