Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Big Bang's Love Song MV release!

Well... title says it all. Check it out!

Well, can't say I wasn't aliitttllee disappointed. I thought they were on the beach, but when you see the crazy broken floor, I guess not. The dancing seemed a little, well NOT in sync with each other.. a little random actually. OBVIOUSLY Gdragon doesn't like this long song by the way, well he hates it. Aw.. I guess Taeyeon hates it too! Well darn.. And what did that sound say? "Kostel P. Marie?" Wow that place sucks.. Especially with cars falling out of the sky..

What do you think? Sincerely, LotsAkpop!

1 comment:

  1. umm i have to say...i kinda didnt like the song from the second it started lol n the dance wouldve looked a lot better if it was in sync
