Wednesday, April 13, 2011

U-kiss's New Song "0330"

So! We've all heard about U-kiss's new song "0330". This song is on U-kiss's new album called "Bran New Kiss". (hm.. clever album name..) If you haven't, why.. here it is!

I was watching this new video, and I was actually surprised! I've been so used to hearing U-kiss singing fast-paced upbeat songs. But of course, it was a nice surprise.. U-kiss sounds great as always. I was also surprised to see how many parts in the song their new members actually had. I'm happy for them! It was a strong start.
Now, about the video. Before reading the english translation of the song, I was REALLY confused (but i guess that's obvious.) I liked it, but i figured it would make more sense if Dongho said the beginning over Eli (wait, doesn't dongho's english blow), or if maybe Eli was the main character in this love story. But, since its the song that matters, I didn't really care about that.
What I was really confused about was, this girl. (not to mention the random piano in the forest, oh and.. is it raining or not? ..I guess late we find out, it actual is raining.. or is it?) What exactly happens to this girl, she seems nice and totally into Dongho.. wait.. maybe not. Dongho is TOTALLY into her, but i'm not so sure of her feeling. Maybe Dongho is overreacting a little? Eli obviously thinks so when he snatches the phone from Dongho as he is obviously hallucinating her voice on the other side.

Anyway.. I found out that Eat Your Kimchi has done a Kpop Music Monday for 0330, and I found it absolutely hilarious(as always)! Please check it out!!

To get back to the point... anyone else love this melodramatic NEW u-kiss MV? What do you think about it!
Sincerely, LotsAkpop!

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