Monday, April 18, 2011

SNSD's Taeyeon Incident::

On the 17th Taeyeon got dragged off stage by a male fan. Currently Taeyeon is fine and more has been revealed about the male fan. According to the staff of the event "The student was from Masan and did what he did because he was young," "It wasn't a kidnapping incident the situation was taken care of and SNSD finished their three songs." SM Entertainment have not turned the male fan over to the police. If the male fan had been taken over to the police he would have fallen under "Work Interference" and "Violent Act" laws.
source: soompi

LotsAkpop: So we've all heard about this until no end. I just think that this has to be the most silly fan I've heard of. I mean.. dragging her off the stage? What good is that going to do you? Maybe you would have come across better saying Hi or maybe if you could get THAT close to her without the guards paying attention, you could introduce yourself AFTER you see them perform. So now you want to be a smart guy, ruin the show for everyone else, and then get kicked out and waste all of your money. Hmm.. maybe as your sitting outside or in jail, you're thinking that maybe it wasn't the smartest decision you've made eh? Well anyway, I feel bad for Taeyeon having to experience the embarrassment at most.. Although they should probably press charges.. 

Obviously while the guards were there, NOT doing there jobs, Sunny had to step in and save her infamous group leader from further embarrassment, GOOD JOB Sunny, thanks for the quick thinking! 
 Anyway.. Way to go fan.. Sheesh. 

What do you think? Sincerely, LotsAkpop! 

1 comment:

  1. this is so unbelievable. wat that guy did was so dumb.wat was he thinking???im sure that was super embarrassing for the girls and taeyeon. hes such a "fan" but he did sumthin as crazy as dragging a singer off stage in the middle of a performance.he needs a slap in the face.wat ever happend to just asking for an autograph???
