Thursday, September 1, 2011

Aww.. mblaq~ (모르겠어요) live!

Mblaq recently performed there follow-up to their song "Mona Lisa" with "I don't know" on Mnet's M! Countdown.
And they showed off their cute charms! Video

I was excited to see this because I am sort of an Mblaq bias. I've watched many of their group's variety shows in my free time, and I know how funny they can be when they are not performing with their serious, sexy concepts. So I was really looking forward to seeing this performance.

While it wasn't completely what I expected (bright colors, hopping around, bright stage - which is obvious because it's Mblaq... and not B1A4 or Dalmatian), I really did get a kick out of the performance. Not necessarily the song, but maybe that was because I wasn't really listening to it much. (I know G.O. had a lot of really high notes, for some reason?)

Mblaq really made everyone want to jump on stage and dance with them, as oppose to their normal performances where they just hypnotize everyone with their looks and dance moves.  Also, I could swear it's as if Mir changes into a completely different person on stage, it's remarkable really. But towards the end, our Mir goes back to normal, asking his 천둥현 if he knows.. and 천둥 responds with a serious, but so cute response that he also doesn't know.

You can hear that the crowd loooved that, huh? 저도요! Me too.
Sincerely, LotsAkpop

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

So.. SMTown NYC Tickets?!

Ok, nobody panic! We've all recently found out about SMTown coming to NYC! *holding back scream* It's said to be on October 23 and it will take place in Madison Square Garden. For those who don't know where that is.. that is in downtown Manhattan, NY. So everyone is freaking out about these tickets! I've heard some tips on how to get tickets, and when they will be announced.

So it is said that.. in LA, it was announced that the tickets were being sold about 1-2 weeks after the date and place was announced. So we probably won't hear about that for another week or so. Which means you'll have time to save for front row seats! Also.. I've recently come across a website for Madison Square Garden (here) that announces events, and tickets. I'm not completely sure, but I assume that once the tickets are open for sale, they will be on this website. It's also said that with all the people who are trying to buy tickets.. the Ticket Master will likely crash, so it's good to have the number on hand to call and order! But.. there will be no VIP/backstage/meet-and-greet packages available for this concert for security reasons. I know.. sad face.

Update: It's said that the tickets will be close to the ticket prices for their LA concert which ranged from 180$-40$ depending on where you want your seats!

I'm trying to find out more information about these tickets just as much as everyone else, and once there is more information. I will surely post it here!
Sincerely, LotsAkpop

U-kiss's Neverland Review~

 Sigh.. Poor U-kiss.

If you haven't seen this video yet, tada!: MV click.

I don't know what it is, maybe it is just U-kiss's style that I haven't noticed when I used to listen to 만만하니 or 뭐라고.. but I am just not really digging anything new that they are doing. I won't say that it is because Alexander or Kibum left or anything, but I do feel like after they left, the songs that they produce are just not that great! It saddens me because I like U-kiss, and I used to really enjoy their songs.. but nowadays I just can't get into them.

I do appreciate the beat of the song; I love the background music! The dance is a little.. I don't know, not catchy? There is just nothing grabbing my attention in the entire song, not even the MV really grabs my attention. The one thing that I can honestly say that I liked in the MV... was the end. No, I'm not trying to be smart. I literally mean the dancing at the end and the one in-sync move that they did when the music stops - was pretty legit. That's about it though. Sorry U-kiss!
Sincerely, LotsAkpop

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

In the process of Greatest Love! (spoilers)

So, I've started watching Greatest Love (최고의 사랑), and I am pleasantly surprised at how much I actually like it! I knew that the concept sounded good, like the whole behind the scenes of the Korean celebrity pop star life. In the beginning, I wasn't actually looking for toward the male lead (차승원) because personally.. I am a teen, and I wasn't digging the look (or age, sorry!), let alone his voice (no offense). Besides, I'd never seen him act, so I didn't realize how good he was. WHICH HE IS. I was pleasantly surprised by the serious comedy that he was able to produce. His voice turned into something that actually added to the comedy of this drama. So far I am totally into the storyline. I'm always a sap for old happy memories and when I watched the scene, right before they debuted, back stage, and how happy they all were together.. It was really nice. It allows for the audience to sympathize a lot more with the female lead (공효진).

I did get a few laughs though, at this drama concerning the typical things that always happen in Kdramas.. For example, all the speeding and cutting off each other and going crazy in their cars, because everyone knows that there are no highway patrol, or any cops in Kdramas! And how we are all so totally over Dokko Jin, and are probably all rooting for sweet, smart Yoon Pil Joo. Of course.

BUT! I did totally appreciate that when he confessed to her, she didn't completely go all googly eyed and fall for him right now. Thaaannkkk Yoouuu! So far, I've had a ton of genuine laughs, and I definitely recommend it! Episode 5, here I come!
Sincerely, LotsAkpop

Sunday, August 28, 2011

What's this I here? SMTown in NYC? no way...

There is just no way that I am seeing this right. I don't want to seem like an excited fan girl... but......................... o.m.f.g. I have been wanting to see these artists live for awhile now, and now they are finally coming to a place near me! There is just no way that I'm NOT going to this concert. If only I knew when this concert was, and how much they actually are! I guess I'll just have to figure that out...... desperately. Even though the exact artists that are going to be there having quite been announced yet. SMtown has the most artists that I listen to, and I'm so excited to see all of them. And the most important one, is... Shinee. As long as they're there, I'M THERE! DONE.

Everyone on the east coast, get ready! They're finally coming to see us, and they're people we actually want to see! Unlike... well... Irene..
Sincerely, LotsAkpop

New kpop groups.. Why SO many?

Can anyone please explain to me HOW they are coming up with so many new Kpop groups so quickly.. I mean, obviously that's a hypothetical question, but this is just insane. How many different record labels can there be.

I feel that it is a little overwhelming about all the new groups and new MV's coming out. I totally get that everyone wants fresh music all the time and people want to keep advertising different music and styles, but I feel like every group that comes out, makes about three songs, and then are never heard from again. New groups are coming out like rain! It seems like if we miss one day of stalking Kpop news on the internet, there are 3 new groups being introduced. It is almost as if we can't keep up! I don't know if this is just my opinion, but man.. I don't really have that much time to watch new MVs every minute from new groups, and then I can't actually keep up with the old groups. I know, personal problem right?

It's like they've come up with so many groups, that they can't even think of good names anymore. "Alright, now introducing this NEW KPOP GROUP... everyone cheer FOR..... *anticipation rolls!!!* "Boyz"!" ...Boyz? I mean is there no other names? I don't even think it's not being clever, it's just being lazy.

"Alright, so we'll need a new name everyone.. any suggestions?" *silence* "Nothing?" -_- "Ok, let's think people.. they are a new male kpop group..."
"OH, I KNOW. 남자... let's just name them 남자!"
"No no no.. too plain. Let's go ENGLISH.. WITH A Z.. Boyz... awww yea."
Like really? I think this just says that there is way too many groups out. If you aren't going to be creative, stop creating so many and just work on promoting the groups that are ALREADY signed to you.

Sincerely, LotsAkpop

Hearstrings Drama Review~ 넌 내게 반했어

First, I'd like to say. That I was extremely excited to see Yonghwa (용화) and Park Shin Hye (박신혜) together in a drama once again! I was so in love with "You're Beautiful" when I watched it a few months ago, and I'm not going to lie.. I almost wanted to see 용화 end up with 박신혜 instead of 장근석 throughout the drama. (but of course, at the end, I was very satisfied with the outcome. 장근석 is oh so attractive.) So I was super excited when I found out that they'd be starring in another drama, and I won't feel so bad for 용화!

So after watching the first episode, I was so hooked! At the end of episode one, my expression was "OH! it's about to get serious!! I MUST watch episode 2! ..wait I have things to do... Whatever. *clicks episode 2*." And once I started, there was no stopping me.

용화 and 박신혜's chemistry was simply to die for. There was nothing that you could do but envy 박신혜's character, 이규원(Lee Gyu Won) for even being around this horrible, treacherous, mean character 이신 (Lee Shin). But even though he was terrible, this drama does an awesome job with keeping you hooked to his character while showing his gentle side towards his mother and sister. It instantly made you wanting to be on his side, with his fellow band members.

Speaking of band members.. we all know how adorable the drummer of CNblue 강민혁(Kang Min Hyeok) was. His character, 여준히 (Yeo Joon Hee), was so cute, and not only his looks. He had such an adorable personality that brought out a light touch to the drama, and another relationship to look forward to!

Even though Heartstrings had some pretty devastating story lines to it, that could have made for a very depressing dragged out drama, they did a very good job of portraying every problem lightly and not making it too deep or too boring. And the funny parts of this drama, were actually funny and very light-hearted! Everyone's story line had meaning to it, and you feel emotions for everyone's plot because they are all very well planned and attention getting. Even the antagonists' story is a heartfelt one.

Just to add the cherry on top, this drama has one of the best soundtracks, and I've downloaded so many songs from this drama! I can't get enough of the music that was played in this drama, I truly appreciated it.

All in all, I give this drama a 5 out of 5! This drama was really highly anticipated by everyone, and certainly doesn't disappoint!
Sincerely, LotsAkpop!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Maaa Boooyy!

Sistar19, consisting of Bora and Hyolyn, has released a  music video called "Ma Boy"!

Watch MV via youtube

First thing, I must say.. I LOVE this song! I can't stop listening to it! It's like it instantly hooks you. I know the guys are totally drooling over this video.. And doesn't the dance just make you want to roll your body right along with them? It's like an addictive dance to a super addictive song! The main dance, and all the group dancing seems to force you to sing the dance in your head while doing the dance as your walking around in your room without even knowing. Sistar19 and the dancers did a great job with this music video! And I love Hyolyn's green socks!

What do you think? Sincerely, LotsAkpop!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Fictioonn Fictiiiiooonn!

B2st has released a new music video called "Fiction!" The title song of their new album Fiction and Fact.

Watch MV via Youtube

Personally, I really liked this video! And yes, everyone knows that this video features the loudest pen in the world. B2st should be proud. Even though, the video is a liittllee weird. Well, I guess not weird, It's just.. I don't know, different? I mean.. I don't know if anyone caught this, but I definitely saw that random space ship thing(?) while they were dancing. (Yeah, definitely got a picture of it.) Aaalrighty B2st, whatever floats your boat. I DO happen to love the dance, it's seems so... stylish! Hands in the pocket, looking awesome. The song is so flowy, and it goes perfectly witht he dance. KUDOS to the choreographer!

I love it! What do you think? Sincerely, LotsAkpop!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Hello Hello!

FT Island releases a new MV for "Hello Hello"!

Watch MV via youtube

Even though I don't necessarily understand the music video, I really like the song.. especially the bridge! "Everybody say la la la, everybody say ha ha ha" - so so catchy! And I have to say omg.. for Lee Hong Ki in black hair. Phew.... Man o man. AND, at the end, while he's listening to his music and he is like singing and smiling.. "............" Had to replay a few times. Everyone actually looks good in this MV!

Phew. What do you think?
Sincerely, LotsAkpop!

Monday, May 16, 2011

L. O. V. E. Girl!

Here I bring to you! "Love Girl" by CNblue! Love Girl ranked #5 on the Weekly Kpop Music Chart 2011 for May Week 2!

Watch MV via Youtube

I must say! I absolutely love love this video. CNblue actually had me laughing OUT LOUD (lol) while watching this. Which was definitely.. definitely.. embarrassing. (easily entertained.) There was just so many silly things about this video! You really can't name them all! I'd just like to say that if you are ever playing Hide and Go Seek with CNblue, your cheating by just playing with them. They have the worse hiding spots ever! I mean.. who wouldn't think to look behind the random shirt that is.. hanging from.. nowhere?? Hm.. I guess it was nothing! Not to mention I loved the song, it was fun and upbeat to add to the fun MV!

What do you think? Sincerely, LotsAkpop!
Dowloading this? Pff... YES.


Here is After School's new MV "Shampoo"! It has made it at #7 on the Weekly Kpop Music Chart for May Week 2!

Watch here: MV via Youtube

I really loved the concept of this video! Newcomer fighting to be accepted? It's so universal and real! I can definitely dig it! It was so sweet! In the beginning, I think it's funny that they all look at the camera like "Oh, that's right we're after school. What." I love that they base this music video off introducing their new member E-young to the group! (I also love Nana at 3:46 who couldn't care less about the newcomer.) But I'm not really understanding this whole crush thing with the choreographer?

What do you think? Sincerely, LotsAkpop!


This is the new MV "Cold" by Aziatix!

Don't be as surprised as me when you find out this whole song is in English. I was so confused and I wasn't even understanding my own language at first, trying to figure out what they were saying in Korean! It made me laugh! Their pronunciation seems to be better than me! And you can't get enough of their smooth voices. Very nice flow. The funny thing that I came across while watching was how the dancers in the back are super serious and the singers are like, totally oblivious to their presence! Well... it seemed that way to me...

What do you think? Sincerely, LotsAkpop!

Lol, I gotta replay that!

So! Time to see what SHinee is up to! OH! THAT'S what they're doing? Making a Japanese single to Replay? Would ya look at that!

Wow, I'm so so so so surprised to see this! I'm not sure why.. but it hit me like bricks. Taemin.... Taemin...... your hair just made me giggle a bit. I love how they tried to like.. make their outfits "japanese-ish" (or.. is that just SHinee's rainbow wardrobe stylist?? Probably.) I'm not sure if I like the flow of this though.
I just thought everyone may be wondering what SHinee was up to! Pleasing their japanese crowd, that's what.

How do you like it? Sincerely, LotsAkpop!

Play your Love!

Here is After School's new video, Play your Lovee!

The first thing I'd like to say.. I feel like this is a bad translation: Play your Love? Is that really the name?? I couldn't actually find it in Korean anywhere, so I can't tell (of course, I didn't actually look that long >:]) But overall, I think it is a very pretty video, and if I'm not mistaken, Platinum blonde hair is After School's 9th member, E-young? Wow, she really seems to have a nice voice! Oh and.. I had a little laugh when it seemed like Kahi didn't really want to sing that line at 0:31! But overall, very relaxing. Would I add it to my mp3? mmm.. maybe not. But I DO love the guitar in the beginning! Nice new twist!

What do you think? Sincerely, LotsAkpop!


So I just watched this new video, of Super Junior's Leeteuk and Joo called Icecream. And omg.. Let's take a look.

I couldn't possibly do anything but laugh while I watched this. It's like the cutest thing ever.. which I don't really know if I'm saying that as a great thing concerning this video. I LOVE cute stuff, and I couldn't get enough of the cuteness in this video (literally). I mean.. We're hoping around, singing while using fake ice creams as mics and dancing with cute little bear monkey things. It was SO CUTE! Until about 1 min. Then it was sort of like "...." is that all we're going to do? "..sad face...." It got to the point where, I just didn't really pay much attention to the song (which while I was, I didn't particularly care for) and I just stared at.. well.. to be honest... Leeteuk....
I'm really thinking this video is about just.. well... a lot of icecream..

Anyone agree? :] Sincerely, LotsAkpop!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Hello "Cold" MV Teaser!

So I see a new MV teaser released. This time is it "Cold" by Aziatix!

I gotta say... I'm a little confused? Is this Kpop? I didn't catch not one lick of Korean. Or maybe the song is in English? I don't know, but... We'll just have to wait and see! Atleast the English sounded awesome! Anyway, regarding the video. The song sounds very smooth, and I love the dark, smooth video to go along with it so far!

This better be good!! What do you think? Sincerely, LotsAkpop!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

No Plastic Surgery, Or else...


Representatives of the agency stated, “The girls signed the contract promising they won’t go under the knife. The company, the producers, and the girls decided to play off the concept of natural beauty as one of CHI-CHI’s greatest strengths. Additionally, the no cosmetic surgery clause was added for the benefit of the girls’ futures.”
They added, “We felt it was more important for the girls to maintain their natural charms for the long run rather than make them into perfect-for-television faces. CHI-CHI will challenge other girl groups with their natural appeals and strong singing skills.”

LotsAkpop: I mean WOW, kudos to their agency! They need to stop making people believe that in order to be pretty, you have to change your face! If your in a girl group, in my opinion, people are going to love you anyway, because your famous! You don't have to look perfect, or have to actually have great music to have fans (maybe a lot of fans, yes to the good songs). But in my opinion, good songs are what makes people love you, not your looks! Who's to say you guys don't look good without surgery. I really commend CHI-CHI's agency for this decision, good job!

What do you think? Sincerely, LotsAkpop!

Friday, April 22, 2011

OK! by B1A4! mv released!

Check it out first!

I must say - I already love these guys. The music video was everything I'd expected to see while watching the trailer. It was fun, exciting, refreshing, the works! They were even really cute! (In my opinion, of course.) I really enjoyed watching this video, and I have to say, I really appreciate the "little nothings" they added to this video. For example, this is a new group, so in the music video, they conveniently added each members name which immediately helps us to better identify with each member, while even explaining the name of their group "secretly" (blood types). At the end of the music video, they added in their bloopers, which I personally believe gives viewers a chance to already make their bonds with these group members! About the song, I am a fan, it went perfectly with the exciting, new, and fun music video! Great work my new B1A4 friends!

What do you think? Sincerely, LotsAkpop!

New MV "Don't Know" by Apink!

Tada! 짱! 몰라요 "Don't know" apink!

So, I wasn't tooo overly fond of the music video, or toooo overly fond of the ..I guess dance? I'm not sure if that was a signature chorus dance or what, the dancing seemed to be a little too fast for the beat, but the video seemed to be very bland. I really like the song, but the mv.. maybe not so much. I can see how they were attempting to be cute, but.. the bland clothes, the bland backgrounds = way too boring for the song. I expected something a little more bright and peaceful. But considering the song, it was a good start!

What do you think? Sincerely, LotsAkpop!

It's here! f(x)'s new mv DANGER! from pinocchio!

And here it is!!

I don't necessarily like how the beginning of this song starts, it's not really catchy enough for me to respond like, "OH LET ME KEEP LISTENING!" BUT! since I love f(x), I decided to keep watching (of course) and I was pleasantly surprised. The chorus was amazingly catchy and it automatically made me start wanting to learn the dance to the chorus. Not to mention, Suli's voice seemed to have randomly matured in this music video, but i didn't actually realize it was her until I saw the live version. Which i do love:] funky dance moves, Keep up the good work f(x)!

Here is the live version that I enjoyed watching!

What do you think? Sincerely, LotsAkpop!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Who wore it better?

Big Bang's T.O.P and SNSD's Tiffany have been photographed sporting a korean vintage shop's HAT! With some.. well, weird.. interesting ribbons and.. scissors?? So who wore it better? IF YOU ASK ME, this hat.. is definitely a girl's hat. Sorry T.O.P.

My hat's off to TIFFANY!
What do you think? Sincerely, LotsAkpop!

SNSD's Taeyeon Incident::

On the 17th Taeyeon got dragged off stage by a male fan. Currently Taeyeon is fine and more has been revealed about the male fan. According to the staff of the event "The student was from Masan and did what he did because he was young," "It wasn't a kidnapping incident the situation was taken care of and SNSD finished their three songs." SM Entertainment have not turned the male fan over to the police. If the male fan had been taken over to the police he would have fallen under "Work Interference" and "Violent Act" laws.
source: soompi

LotsAkpop: So we've all heard about this until no end. I just think that this has to be the most silly fan I've heard of. I mean.. dragging her off the stage? What good is that going to do you? Maybe you would have come across better saying Hi or maybe if you could get THAT close to her without the guards paying attention, you could introduce yourself AFTER you see them perform. So now you want to be a smart guy, ruin the show for everyone else, and then get kicked out and waste all of your money. Hmm.. maybe as your sitting outside or in jail, you're thinking that maybe it wasn't the smartest decision you've made eh? Well anyway, I feel bad for Taeyeon having to experience the embarrassment at most.. Although they should probably press charges.. 

Obviously while the guards were there, NOT doing there jobs, Sunny had to step in and save her infamous group leader from further embarrassment, GOOD JOB Sunny, thanks for the quick thinking! 
 Anyway.. Way to go fan.. Sheesh. 

What do you think? Sincerely, LotsAkpop! 

Apink debut!

After teasing us the past two weeks with two different teasers, the girls of ‘Apink’ have finally made their debut with the release of their EP, “Seven Springs of Apink”.
The group consists of members Park Chorong, Yoon Bomi, Jung Eun Ji, Son Na Eun, Hong Yoo Kyung, Kim Nam Joo, and Oh Ha Young.
The EP contains 5 tracks in all and their title track, ‘Don’t Know’ is a sweet melody that fits well for the Spring season.

LotsAkpop: Go Apink! I see a bright future for this new group of girls! Their new track "Don't Know" has a sweet melody and I'm already a fan! Keep up the good work! 

Here is their new MV teaser for "Don't Know"!

And here goes the audio for "Don't Know"!

How do you like it? Sincerely, LotsAkpop!

F(x) DANGER!! song from "pinocchio" revealed!

The girls of f(x) - Victoria, Krystal, Sulli, Amber, and Luna – released their new song Pinocchio (Danger) at midnight today April 18th. Their new song was definitely very f(x)ish to say the least. The lyrics were very complex like an intricate puzzle; and at times they were reminiscent of Pinocchio the Puppet’s arms and legs and how they would fly all over the place.

With the exception of a few, the lyrics in general were very hard to understand. It had a few catchy easy-to-sing-along phrases like “jing jing wing wing,” “dda ra dda rad da dda dda,” and “dda dda dda,” but that was about it.

The song then makes a random shift to bakery lyrics using words like macaroons and pastries. It contained phrases like “I’ll open and crumble it piece by piece, and I’ll re-bake the ones I like.” While the melodies and rhythms are very catchy and cute; once you take apart the lyrics, you’ll realize how creepy they are. Nevertheless, their sound, rhythm, lyrics, and beats are definitely original and experimental making them that much more addicting. f(x) will release their full album on April 20th.
source: soompi

LotsAkpop: Now I on the other hand, think that this sounds hilarious and fun! Who ever said that you couldn't make a song about food? Besides, I think the most important part of the song is the catchy beat, when you have something to dance to.. they could say anything.. (Just like IU's MARSHMALLOW.. i mean really? cute cute song.. pointless lyrics!) As long as you can dance to it, they can say whatever they want! The pictures of the video look fun and entertaining, which is of the utmost importance!

Here is the music video teaser!

And the audio track!

What do you think? Sincerely, LotsAkpop!

B1A4 teaser!

 B1A4 reveals "OK" MV teaser!

I thought this was totally worth showing because, most teasers don't actually tease me in any way shape or form, but i must say! This music video looks fun, exciting, and interesting to see! I actually can't wait for this Music Video to release!

How about you? Sincerely, LotsAkpop!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Handsome People debut!

New group named Handsome People debut with their new song "Crazy"

Well I must say... reminds me a little of CNLBUE, without the catchy beats. I wonder if they will keep the pink-haired dancers! Overall, not too much of a fan, but I'll wait for progression!
What do you think? Sincerely, LotsAkpop!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Kim Hyun Joong is #1!

Kim Hyun Joong ranks number 1 as the Most Handsome in Korea in a Spanish website called “Listas”. Kim Hyun Joong garnered a score of 1,406,080 points in the poll!

The List are as follows
1. Kim Hyun Joong
2. Jang Keun Suk
3. Lee Hong Ki
4. Jung Yong Hwa
5. Lee Min Ho
6. Kim Jung Hoon
7. Park Jung Min
8. Kim Hyung Jun
9. Kim Kyu Jong
10. Heo Young Saeng
11. Kim Jae Wook
12. Hyun Bin
13. Rain
14. Goong Yo
15. Song Seung Heon
16. Lee Sun Gyun
17. Daniel Henney
18.  Joo Ji Hoon
19. Won Bin
20. Hwanhee
21. Kim Sung Soo
22. Seo Do Young
23. Lee Dong Gun
24. Jang Hyuk
25. Kwon Sang Woo
26. Ahn Jae Wook

LotsAkpop: Congratulations Kim Hyun Joong, he's definitely cute! I'm pretty happy with 1-5, although, this wouldn't be how my list would go.. but, after that! they kinda lost me. 
What do you think? Does Kim Hyun Joong deserve the #1 spot?

Luna's tweet!

F(x) Luna tweeted today on the group’s Me2Day account, “Everyone, our first album teaser will be released tomorrow~ I’m really excited too. Hope you love ‘Pinocchio.’” She added, “And one more thing! I became the MC for ‘MTV the Show.’ I’ll continue to do my best so please show your love to me and f(x)’s new promotions as well!”
Source: soompi

LotsAkpop: Ohh who's excited?! I know I am!!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Aww Mblaq.. how cute!

Mblaq's Mir and G.O. have a baby photo competition on Twitter!

On April 13th, Mir tweeted, “My past pictures, I’ll upload one by one” and began to reveal his childhood pictures.
After seeing Mir’s tweets, G.O. tweeted, “Then I’m [going to upload] past pictures as well” and kicked off their photo competition. He first uploaded a picture of himself wearing a bright red jumper, proving that he’s been a fashionista since birth.
Mir responded by tweeting, “Oh, I can’t lose” and uploaded another photo where he stands nonchalantly in front of a lake. Netizens immediately noticed how Mir’s expression remained the same for both photos, despite the time difference between them.
As a final response, G.O. tweeted, “I can’t lose to Bang Chul Yong (Mir’s real name). This is my affluent birthday party! Behind me is a Goryeo Celadon jar which I received as a gift.” In his new picture, he’s seen posing like a little gentleman while wearing a yellow shirt.

LotsAkpop: How Cute is this!! Mir looks so different, but.. the same. Aww!
How cute are these pictures? Sincerely, LotsAkpop!

New Boy Group: BlockB!

Yay, everyone is excited about new boy groups!! This new group named BlockB has released their new music video "Don't move"!

About this video.. I generally like the song. I like the new funky hairstyles (although a little odd) and their funky outfits! The dances were new and fresh to the kpop world, and I must say.. I do like the rap in this song! Reminds me of a certain someone.. *cough* Outsider.. Very upbeat and attention getting song!

What do you think? Sincerely, LotsAkpop!

Big Bang's Love Song MV release!

Well... title says it all. Check it out!

Well, can't say I wasn't aliitttllee disappointed. I thought they were on the beach, but when you see the crazy broken floor, I guess not. The dancing seemed a little, well NOT in sync with each other.. a little random actually. OBVIOUSLY Gdragon doesn't like this long song by the way, well he hates it. Aw.. I guess Taeyeon hates it too! Well darn.. And what did that sound say? "Kostel P. Marie?" Wow that place sucks.. Especially with cars falling out of the sky..

What do you think? Sincerely, LotsAkpop!

Pink Rocket!

Dal Shabet releases "Pink-Rocket" for their second mini album on April 14th.
source: soompi

Overall, I like the feel of the video! Very cute, and gotta love all the different hair colors and fun outfits! I couldn't quite grab what the dance was.. or why there was a creepy, dancing gorilla that is scared of eyeballs.. BUT, i did like the sweet concept of the video!

What do you think? Sincerely,LotsAkpop!

반짝 반짝!!

Girl's Day released their practice video for "반짝 반짝" Twinkle Twinkle!

I  definitely love this dance! Even though some of the dance moves may seem a little.. odd, they are presented very cutely and go PERFECT with the song! They are very in sync with each other and this makes for a great performance! GOOD JOB GIRL'S DAY! catchy song, catchy dance. Love it.

What do you think? Sincerely, LotsAkpop!

Congratulations CNBLUE!

CNBLUE has shaken up a music chart in Taiwan!
The band’s initial studio album, “ Initial Step “, lately ranked #1 on Taiwan’s weekly music chart, G-MUSIC . This is surprising simply because CNBLUE didn’t officially release the album in Taiwan.
CNBLUE has appeared on foreign charts before when they ranked second on Japan’s Oricon singles chart. Their success as a band rather than a dance group is helping to diversifying the Hallyu wave overseas. Meanwhile, CNBLUE's title song, “ Intuition ” won the Mutizen award on SBS ’s “ Inkigayo ” on April 10th, holding up to its hot popularity.
source" Livekpop

LotsAkpop: Congratulations CNBLUE! They've come so far so fast! You know its always an accomplishment when you are ranked #1 in a country other than your own language! Wow! 

Here is CNBLUE's new song "Intuition" if you have not seen it already:

Anyone else bobbing their head to the beginning beat? CNBLUE is totally going tough guy in this music video! Spray painting the WALLS, spray painting CARS! Oh.. was that someone's.. window.. Oooo~ CNBLUE... tsk tsk. Wait.. how'd you get in the car?? SO NOW we're not only spray painting but breaking in! Then.. we stare at the camera, "What you going to say something about it?" Ohhh no CNBLUE, i want to keep my car and windows.. The cop obviously didn't agree.. but CNBLUE didn't care! 
Wait cops are here! TELEPORT! .. Guys.. I left my guitars.. 

Anyone, I definitely liked this video! We get to see a new, fun side of CNBLUE while their singing their new catchy tune!
What did you think? Are you digging CNBLUE's new side? Sincerely, LotsAkpop!

G-dragon... why!

Big Bang’s leader G-Dragon recently unveiled a cute and playful photo of himself with Taeyang. On the 10th, he posted on his me2day account the following photo and message “Done~~~~~! Yay! ??????????? Love song today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

LotsAkpop: You can't help but smile at G-dragon sporting his favorite outfit! And Taeyang doing his daily stretching in the background of this photo..

Did you smile? Sincerely, LotsAkpop!

Click-B, ur back?!

Old school boy band Click-B released a new digital single, “To Be Continued,” on Wednesday, resuming activities as a group for the first time in eight years. This is Click-B’s first album with new tracks since their 2003 album “Cowboy.” Their last two records released in 2004 and 2006 were each a best album and remake album.
Source: soompi

LotsaKpop: Wow! It's always good to here about boy bands getting back together! Personally, I've never heard of this group, but I think this is going to be great! Although, it does make me wonder.. how old were they when they started? For them to come back 8 years later, well, that's a long time. But I'm always excited to hear something new! More Power to them!

What do you think? Sincerely, LotsAkpop!

GOONG THE ...musical??

SS501 Kim Kyu Jong has been cast in the musical “Goong,” which will be shown in Japan from mid-June, local media reported today. Following in the footsteps of DBSK Yunho and actor Joo Ji Hoon, Kyu Jong will play the lead role of “Lee Shin.”

LotsAkpop: Well, I don't know about you guys.. But I've seen Goong, and of course, I loved it! Just like i loved every korean drama that I've ever watched.. everrr. So Goong is said to turn into a musical. Um.. so.. "...." what?? 
Anyone that has seen Goong probably has the same response that I'm having right now. Even though Goong was a GREAT drama and I had alot of fun watching it.. I'm not so sure that it should be a ...musical. I love musicals, and I really enjoy going to see them. But I think we all know that Goong.. well.. it had WAY too much super cereal series conversations to possibly change this into.. a song. I mean think about it... Lee Shin's character was very dull, gloomy, and well.. not so nice. NOW in GOONG THE MUSICAL, he is going to be dancing around and well.. singing a lullaby.. 
I mean, if Kyu Jong can do a good job of portraying "Lee Shin"'s evil personality.. MORE POWER TO HIM! 

What do you think? Sincerely, LotsaKpop!

U-kiss's New Song "0330"

So! We've all heard about U-kiss's new song "0330". This song is on U-kiss's new album called "Bran New Kiss". (hm.. clever album name..) If you haven't, why.. here it is!

I was watching this new video, and I was actually surprised! I've been so used to hearing U-kiss singing fast-paced upbeat songs. But of course, it was a nice surprise.. U-kiss sounds great as always. I was also surprised to see how many parts in the song their new members actually had. I'm happy for them! It was a strong start.
Now, about the video. Before reading the english translation of the song, I was REALLY confused (but i guess that's obvious.) I liked it, but i figured it would make more sense if Dongho said the beginning over Eli (wait, doesn't dongho's english blow), or if maybe Eli was the main character in this love story. But, since its the song that matters, I didn't really care about that.
What I was really confused about was, this girl. (not to mention the random piano in the forest, oh and.. is it raining or not? ..I guess late we find out, it actual is raining.. or is it?) What exactly happens to this girl, she seems nice and totally into Dongho.. wait.. maybe not. Dongho is TOTALLY into her, but i'm not so sure of her feeling. Maybe Dongho is overreacting a little? Eli obviously thinks so when he snatches the phone from Dongho as he is obviously hallucinating her voice on the other side.

Anyway.. I found out that Eat Your Kimchi has done a Kpop Music Monday for 0330, and I found it absolutely hilarious(as always)! Please check it out!!

To get back to the point... anyone else love this melodramatic NEW u-kiss MV? What do you think about it!
Sincerely, LotsAkpop!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Big Bang's Love Song!

Fans have been patiently awaiting for Big Bang's new MV for "Love Song". The release date is currently set  for April 14th! Currently, no teasers have been released.
Source: Livekpop

LotsAkpop: We'll keep you updated!!

Lee Hyun ft. Might Mouth MV for "Although you said so"!

New MV for "Although you said so" has been released!

Source: Livekpop

SNSD's Yoona & Sunny guest star in "Running Man"

The two participated in the “Find the Guests” segment of the “Running Man” shooting that took place on April 4th at the Seoul Folk Flea Market. The "Running Man" members made everyone laugh  when they found out the guest stars were Yoona & Sunny, they began cheering for them instead of competing against them!

Source: soompi

KARA has done it!!

The girls of KARA managed to become the first Korean girl group to take the no. 1 spot on the Oricon weekly singles chart. KARA follows in the footsteps of BoA and DBSK in topping off the Oricon weekly singles chart. KARA members commented, “Jet Coaster Love has been named no. 1. We’ll work harder so that our songs will help people get through tough periods.”
Source: soompi

LotsAkpop: Congrats to KARA! Huge accomplishment!

F(x)'s Pinocchio - First group Teaser photo

F(x) releases their first group photo for their new comeback stage "Pinocchio". It is set to be released April 22nd!
Source: Soompi

LotsaKpop: It just gets me more and more excited the more I see f(x) teasers! But.. who can know why they forced Krystal to wear the blue bird suit? Luna, obviously can't figure it out either.

Snsd wins an award from Japan's "Space Shower Music Awards"

In August of last year, SNSD debuted with their Japanese Single "Genie". They rapidly became very popular in Japan. Snsd secured the top spot "Best Pop Award" from Space Shower Music Awards for the year 2010 with "Genie"!
Source: LiveKpop

LotsAkpop: Yay! Congrats SNSD! Fighting and taking over the world! 

Super Junior's Kyuhyun, are you okay?

Super Junior's Kyuhyun, who was previously in an automobile accident has finally reassured fans that he is okay!

On April 11th, SM Entertainment spoke via TV Report and stated, “He received contusions on his arms and legs because of the accident. Just in case, we had him obtain a thorough medical examination, but test outcomes have revealed that there is no further injuries.” 

His representative continued, “Although he wasn’t severely injured, he has a number of poor memories concerning accidents, so he is taking a brief break for the sake of his well being. He will probably be going back to the hospital these days to obtain a final check-up.”  

It is revealed that Kyuhyun's future in Super Junior will not be effected.

LotsAkpop: Good thing for Kyuhyun/Super Junior fans, right?
Souce: Livekpop

New Kpop boy group?

New Kpop group named B1A4, the group was initial introduced by way of an on the web comic series, or ‘webtoon’. This is because so little information is currently released about this group thus far. It is claimed to have figured out their name by the bloodtypes of the members being either A or B.
Source: Livekpop

LotsAkpop: Well i suppose they could've waited for them to actually release more information about this group, but I'm definitely excited to see where this will go!

Stay updated about B1A4!

F(x)'s comeback stage for April 22nd!

F(x) comeback stage, Pinocchio, confirmed to be April 22nd! On the 11th, the last teaser photo was revealed on the group’s official internet site, completing the teaser photo cycle for every single member. Each of the five teaser photos expressed a comparable vibe of retro-glam chic, via the use of vibrant colors.
Source: Livekpop

LotsAkpop: WHO'S EXCITED?! I for one am very excited about this comeback! I've been waiting for new F(x) songs for a very long time! The comeback pictures are very inviting aren't they?

Keep a look-out for more F(x) posts concerning their comeback stage performance!

About us!

Hi! Welcome to LotsAKpop!

I'm glad to see that you've made your way here to read my posts!

LotsAKpop started by watching tons and tons of Kpop videos, listening to songs after songs, and having so much to share about them, but no one to actually share it with! So, the idea of a blog came up! Why not voice our opinion on Kpop news WHILE providing others with an easy way to follow their favorite Kpop artists!

LotsAKpop's future plans is to provide fans with as much Kpop news as possible!  This will allow American fans an easy way to follow their favorite artists and stars as if they were on our local news stations.

Tell me what you think.....whose your favorite!